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CDCS Docker

This repository contains docker-compose files to build and deploy CDCS containers.


Install Docker first, then install Docker Compose.

Build a CDCS image

1. Customize the build

Update the values in the .env file:

$ cd build
$ vim .env

Below is the list of environment variables to set and their description.

Variable Description
PROJECT_NAME Name of the CDCS/Django project to build (e.g. mdcs, nmrr)
IMAGE_NAME Name of the image to build (e.g. mdcs, nmrr)
IMAGE_VERSION Version of the image to build (e.g. latest, 2.10.0)
CDCS_REPO URL of the CDCS repository to clone to build the image (e.g.
BRANCH Branch/Tag of the repository to pull to build the image (e.g. master, 2.10.0)
PIP_CONF Pip configuration file to use to build the image
PYTHON_VERSION Version of the Python image to use as a base image for the CDCS image

2. Build the image

$ docker-compose build --no-cache

Deploy a CDCS

1. Customize the deployment

Update the values in the .env file:

$ cd deploy
$ vim .env

Below is the list of environment variables that can be set and their description. Commented variables in the .env need to be uncommented and filled.

Variable Description
PROJECT_NAME Name of the CDCS/Django project to deploy (e.g. mdcs, nmrr)
IMAGE_NAME Name of the CDCS image to deploy (e.g. mdcs, nmrr)
IMAGE_VERSION Version of the CDCS image to deploy (e.g. latest, 2.10.0)
HOSTNAME Hostname of the server (e.g. for local deployment, use the machine's IP address
SERVER_URI URI of server (e.g. for local deployment,
ALLOWED_HOSTS Comma-separated list of hosts (e.g. ALLOWED_HOSTS=,localhost), see Allowed Hosts
SERVER_NAME Name of the server (e.g. MDCS)
SETTINGS Settings file to use during deployment (more info in the Settings section)
SERVER_CONF Mount appropriate nginx file (e.g. default for http, https otherwise. The protocol of the SERVER_URI should be updated accordingly)
MONGO_PORT MongoDB Port (default: 27017)
MONGO_ADMIN_USER Admin user for MongoDB (should be different from MONGO_USER)
MONGO_ADMIN_PASS Admin password for MongoDB
MONGO_USER User for MongoDB (should be different from MONGO_ADMIN_USER)
MONGO_PASS User password for MongoDB
MONGO_DB Name of the Mongo database (e.g. cdcs)
POSTGRES_PORT Postgres Port (default: 5432)
POSTGRES_USER User for Postgres
POSTGRES_PASS User password for Postgres
POSTGRES_DB Name of the Postgres database (e.g. cdcs)
REDIS_PORT Redis Port (default: 6379)
REDIS_PASS Password for Redis
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Secret Key for Django (should be a "large random value")
NGINX_PORT_80 Expose port 80 on host machine for NGINX
NGINX_PORT_443 Expose port 443 on host machine for NGINX
MONGO_VERSION Version of the MongoDB image
REDIS_VERSION Version of the Redis image
POSTGRES_VERSION Version of the Postgres image
NGINX_VERSION Version of the NGINX image
MONITORING_SERVER_URI (optional) URI of an APM server for monitoring

A few additional environment variables are provided to the CDCS container. The variables below are computed based on the values of other variables. If changed, some portions of the docker-compose.yml might need to be updated to stay consistent.

Variable Description
MONGO_HOST Mongodb hostname (set to ${PROJECT_NAME}_cdcs_mongo)
POSTGRES_HOST Postgres hostname (set to ${PROJECT_NAME}_cdcs_postgres)
REDIS_HOST REDIS hostname (set to ${PROJECT_NAME}_cdcs_redis)


Starting from MDCS/NMRR 2.14, repositories of these two projects will have settings ready for deployment (not production).

The deployment can be further customized by mounting additional settings to the deployed containers:

  • Option 1: Use settings from the image. This option is recommended if the settings in your image are already well formatted for deployment.
    • Update the docker-compose.yml file and comment the line that mounts the settings:
    # - ./cdcs/${SETTINGS}.py:/srv/curator/${PROJECT_NAME}/${SETTINGS}.py
    • set the SETTINGS variable to settings.
  • Option 2: Use default settings from the CDCS image and customize them. Custom settings can be used to provide CI or production configurations. For example:
    • Create a file (see or as examples),
    • set the SETTINGS variable to custom_settings.
  • Option 3: Override settings from the image. This will ignore settings already present in the CDCS image. This option is recommended for MDCS/NMRR 2.14 and below.
    • Update the docker-compose.yml file and change the line that mounts the settings to:
    - ./cdcs/${PROJECT_NAME}${PROJECT_NAME}/
    • set the SETTINGS variable to settings.

The DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable can be set to select which settings to use. By default the docker-compose file sets it using the values of PROJECT_NAME and SETTINGS variables.

For more information about production deployment of a Django project, please check the Deployment Checklist

2. Deploy the stack

$ docker-compose up -d

(Optional) For testing purposes, using the HTTPS protocol, you can then run the following script to generate and copy self signed certificates to the container.

$ ./

3. Create a superuser

The superuser is the first user that will be added to the CDCS. This is the main administrator on the platform. Once it has been created, more users can be added using the web interface. Wait for the CDCS server to start, then run:

$ ./docker_createsuperuser ${username} ${password} ${email}

4. Access

The CDCS is now available at the SERVER_URI set at deployment. Please read important deployment information in the troubleshoot section below.

5. Troubleshoot

Local deployment

DO NOT set HOSTNAME, SERVER_URI and ALLOWED_HOSTS to localhost or Even if the system, starts properly, some features may not work (e.g. the search page may show an error instead of returning data). When deploying locally, use the computer's IP address to set those two variables, and use the same IP address when accessing the CDCS via a web browser: If your machine's IP address is, and the default server configuration was used to deploy the system, access it by typing in the address bar of the browser.

Find the IP of the local machine:

  • On Linux and MacOS: ifconfig
  • On Windows: ipconfig

Then update the .env file:

NOTE: For testing purposes, ALLOWED_HOSTS can be set to *:


Production deployment

  • Set SERVER_CONF to https
  • Update the file nginx/https.conf if necessary
  • Add HTTPS configuration to the mounted file
  • Have a look at the deployment checklist


Make sure every component is running properly by checking the logs. For example, to check the logs of an MDCS instance (PROJECT_NAME=mdcs), use the following commands:

$ docker logs -f mdcs_cdcs
$ docker logs -f mdcs_cdcs_nginx
$ docker logs -f mdcs_cdcs_mongo
$ docker logs -f mdcs_cdcs_postgres
$ docker logs -f mdcs_cdcs_redis

MongoDB RAM usage


By default Mongo will set the wiredTigerCacheSizeGB to a value proportional to the host's total memory regardless of memory limits you may have imposed on the container. In such an instance you will want to set the cache size to something appropriate, taking into account any other processes you may be running in the container which would also utilize memory.

Having multiple mongodb containers on the same machine could be an issue as each of them will try to use the same amount of RAM from the host without taking into account the amount used by other containers. This could lead to the server running out of memory.

How to fix it?

The amount of RAM used by mongodb can be restricted by adding the --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB option to the mongodb command:


command: "--auth --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 8"

More information on MongoDB RAM usage can be found in the doc

Additional components

Additional components can be added to the CDCS stack by providing docker-compose.yml files for those. Update the COMPOSE_FILE variable in the .env file to do so. More information can be found in on this option in the documentation.


Ongoing developments on the CDCS make use of Elasticsearch. To add Elasticsearch to the CDCS stack, you can do the following:

Update the .env file to deploy Elasticsearch:


Add and fill the following environment variables:

Variable Description
ELASTIC_VERSION Version of the Elasticsearch image (e.g. 7.0.1)

On linux, you will need to increase the available virtual memory.

Delete the containers and their data

To delete the containers and all the data stored in the deployed CDCS system, run:

$ docker-compose down -v


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